Saturday, February 10, 2007

What the postman brought I go to the mailbox to pick up the ususal bills, and there are TWO large envelopes in the mix

Being the good girl that I am...I opened the bills and letters first. JC Penney bill, letter from the school (Sonja, watch those grades!), Jo-Ann's coupon...then....on to the packages!
Look at this interesting could I NOT open this one first?!?!

Pretty blue paper and notes from not one, but TWO of my favorite Knitty chatters:

Bumblefee and Suemoon!

I open the paper, and here's what we see!

My granddaughter Autumn, who has a vocabulary of about 10 words said, "OH! My cookie!" and snagged the Kit Kat. Of course, we immediately opened it, and shared the wonderful treat!

But... the REAL treat was here:

and WHY is barb so excited about a magazine??

Look here!!! Alan Dart Cows and Sheepies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!

Now...I must get some laundry folded, so I'll come back in a bit to post


1 comment:

Fee said...


Sheepie love from over the watter!

We love Barb